If you are planning on installing WordPress on your website, please read through the WordPress Installation instructions, as well as these instructions that are specific to our hosting setup:
- Download the latest version of WordPress
- Create a Maria database for your WordPress install:
- Log into the control panel for your hosting account.
- Select your domain name.
- Click on the Database tab.
- Under the Databases section, click Add.
- Enter a desired Database Name into the form field and click Continue.
- Enter a desired Database Username into the form field, enter a password for that username twice, and click Finish.
- If successful, you will receive a message “Database creation pending.”. It may take a few minutes for this newly created database to fully provision.
NOTE: You will notice that a numerical prefix and underscore will be added to the beginning of your database name and username. For example, if you named your database ‘dbcloud’, it might look like this: 402464_dbcloud. This is needed cluster node information and is the full database name and/or username to use in any database config file reference.
- Configure WordPress with your Maria database details:
- Unzip/extract the WordPress download. There will be one folder named “wordpress“. Within this folder, locate the file named “wp-config-sample.php“, and open it with a text editor of your choice (TextEdit, Notepad, etc.).
- Look for this section of php code:
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name_here'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'username_here'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value - Enter the database values you created above in step 2 into the corresponding areas. For the DB_HOST, you will need to replace localhost with the correct database hostname value. Here are instructions on how to locate your database hostname. It will look similar to this (with your own values of course) when you are done:
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', '402464_some_db'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', '402464_db_user'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'vf3wng9t'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'mariaXX-XX.wc1.stabletransit.com'); // This value is located in control panel and is the value corresponding to 'Hostname' - Save and rename this file as “wp-config.php”.
- Upload all of the WordPress core files to your website’s public directory:
- Using an FTP program, upload the the entire contents of the “wordpress” folder (including the newly created wp-config.php) to your remote directory: /www.example.com/web/content/ (replace “example.com” with your actual domain name)
NOTE: Uploading the “wordpress” container folder will create a subdirectory on your domain name (yourdomain.com/wordpress). This is where your blog will “live” on the internet if you run the installation from here. To avoid having to follow some advanced instructions to move WordPress back to your root domain (domain.com/), “Select all” files contained in the “wordpress” folder and upload them directly into your public directory.
- Using a web browser, run the installation script and enter the required information. Relative to where you uploaded the files, the URL will include /wp-admin/install.php at the end. If you haven’t yet changed your domain name servers to point to our hosting service, you will need to use your Testing URL.
- If you’ve installed WordPress at the root of your domain (for example domain.com), make sure to remove or rename the default index.html file so that the index.php file for WordPress can resolve by default.
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