Script debugging is beyond the scope of the support that we provide. This is a web development issue and we do not offer any in-house web development/consulting services. We make sure that PHP is enabled for your website, PHP is working properly, that you are provided with the correct path information and we can even help point you in the right direction, but we do not have the resources to debug, install or develop your scripts.
Here are a few things to try when you are troubleshooting a PHP script:
- First of all, thoroughly read through the instructions that came with the script and also check the website where the script was downloaded for troubleshooting info and user forums.
- Check to see if the script was uploaded in the proper format (ASCII not binary).
- Verify that all the paths are correct, including your public directory path. Do not use the “www” part of your domain in your public directory path. See our PHP server paths section for more info.
- Check to see if all the file permissions are set correctly if permissions are even required by your script. File permissions can be set using a FTP program that allows permissions to be set on transfer.
- Check your error log file for any script errors that may have occurred.
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